Console Nintendo Switch
Language English, Russian

In the video game industry, there is no shortage of exciting 2D action games, but I’LL KILL HER, produced by DillyFrame and released on Nintendo Switch on June 29, 2023, really takes this experience to the next level. a new level.

I’LL KILL HER game is not only an entertaining journey but also a deep psychological struggle, in the form of an interactive comic, where love, life and personal struggles are portrayed. honestly.

Stephanie: The Character Who Longs to Be Heard

Stephanie, our main character, is a true artistic soul. She gave up going to college, facing opposition from her family and friends, especially from her mother and boyfriend Brandon, to pursue her passion for art through photography.

Stephanie believes her photographs are a legitimate form of art, a call for recognition and respect. Unfortunately, the academic environment places too much emphasis on commercial aspects rather than true artistic creation.

Internal Struggle and Relationship Collapse

While Stephanie gradually separates from reality to reach her dreams, her relationship with Brandon also begins to crumble. Brandon, although he loves Stephanie, cannot understand her great sacrifice at the cost of loss in daily life and spirit.

Stephanie’s psychological struggle is not only with herself, but also with those around her. The climax of the story is when Brandon decides to leave, leaving Stephanie with her dreams and overwhelming loneliness.

A Story About Love, Mental Illness, and Being Heard

I’LL KILL HER is more than just a game; it’s a visual novel, an open book about love, life, and especially about living with mental illness. The game challenges players not only through levels that require skill, but also through the difficult decisions that Stephanie must face, moving step by step closer to her dream, even though she may lose everything.

For those looking for a unique game experience with a deep and emotional story, I’LL KILL HER will definitely be a choice not to be missed. Stephanie is not just a character in the game; she is a symbol of resilience, of dreams expressed through art, and most importantly, of the desire to be heard and understood.

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