Minecraft NSP, XCI Switch ROM V1.21.43 Free Download
November 6, 2024 (3 months ago)
Password 1fichier: cWz7?UJXKktvW@g
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XCI ROM | 1.37 GB | 1fichier
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Thanks for the game but Update 1.21.2 is out thanks for adding it.
Thank you for reporting, we have added 7 download links about version 1.21.2, you can download it!
São três arquivos diferentes, um de 465MB, um de 1,37GB e um de 1,18GB. O que devo fazer, baixar os três ? E como faço para instalar ou deixar pronto para o emulador ler o jogo de forma correta sem erro ?
Hello, the file size you mentioned above is the capacity of the nsp, xci or dlc file. The problem with the listed capacity is that it indicates whether the link is nsp, xci or dlc, visual information helps you and everyone else easily select the file and source link to download to your device.
tại sao khi tôi tải bản cập nhật và đã add nó vào rồi nhưng khi chơi lại bị đen màn hình (tôi dùng suyu)
Thank you for your feedback about the error. Please customize the emulator’s graphics or try another equivalent emulator!
I downloaded the 1.21.2update but the emulator crashed, is there any solution?…
(i use Ryujinx)